Official Twitter Account of Rafael Nadal unleashed

The moment has come! World number two Rafael Nadal finally has his own (and official) twitter account. You can now follow Nadal on Twitter via this link ( In less than 2 hours he has already attracted 36,000+ followers.

Rafael posted his first two tweets today, one is in Spanish and one in English:

RafaelNadal Rafael Nadal
Buenos días!! Ya soy twittero!! Me hace mucha ilusión contar con vuestro apoyo desde aquí!! Tendréis más noticias mías 😉 Rafa
RafaelNadal Rafael Nadal
Hi all! I have Twitter profile! I am thrilled to have your support here! You’ll hear more from me 😉 Rafa

Hopefully Rafa will post more entries in the days to come.

World number one Novak Djokovic is already active in Twitter with the handle: DjokerNole

No word yet if Roger Federer will follow suit.